Saturday, December 24, 2011

Saturday, December 17, 2011

The Salmon of Doubt

I've added this review to Goodreads:

I read this book some years back, gently offered by friends in a time when I couldn't stop thinking and talking about Douglas Adams work.

The Salmon of Doubt was a work in progress, a third Dirk Gently's Novel. Besides the unfinished novel, this book is a collection of articles, interviews and speeches by Douglas. With themes ranging from technology to religion, it's like a last opportunity to dive into his personal views on life, the universe, and everything.

Surely a great way to enjoy, and reflect, and learn from, Douglas' immense wit.

The Salmon of Doubt on

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Internet, Privacy, Copyright; Choose Two

"We can have the internet with the current functionality and openness while maintaining the right to privacy and free speech - but maintaining a 20th-century copyright model at the same time is impossible. Or we could give up our privacy and other civil rights to allow one specific industry to earn money in the same old way for a little longer."

(via Stephan Kinsela on Google+)

Friday, September 9, 2011

Erro do Google na interpretação de datas

Acabei de descobrir que o Google interpreta mal as datas dos artigos do Económico. Neste caso especifico, o Económico apresenta a data no formato 05/09/11 e o Google apresenta o resultado como sendo de 11 set. 2005. É um erro particularmente chato, porque influencia os resultados filtrados por data.

Resultado do Google:

Header do artigo no site do Económico:

Fiz uma pesquisa não muito exaustiva aos formatos da data em alguns jornais. Parece-me que o Económico é o unico a usar o formato DD/MM/AA, mais especificamente o ano apenas com 2 dígitos.

Entretanto reportei o erro ao Google. Não sei as razões que levaram o Económico a usar tal formato e, apesar de a poderem mudar, talvez com todo o interesse, acho que o problema está no algoritmo do Google e não em quem produz o conteúdo.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Comunicação entre carros via Wi-Fi

A Ford, em conjunto com outros fabricantes, está a desenvolver um standard de comunicação entre automóveis. A tecnologia base será o Wi-Fi (802.11p).

A ideia base é que o nosso carro nos alerte de perigos baseando-se na informação que recebe dos outros carros. A tecnologia parece ser mais barata que outras usadas actualmente, e pode ser adicionada a carros já existentes.

Vai ser curioso ver se esta tecnologia, avançando, irá tornar os condutores mais despreocupados na condução, obtendo resultados contrários aos planeados.

Visto no Scobleizer.

Friday, May 6, 2011

The City Limits

His goal was to "show the duality between city and nature."
I saw it as a tribute to man made things. Quite beautiful.

Suggestions: Full screen. HD on. Earplugs.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Dear Sophie

Putting aside the ad is luring us to upload personal and intimate family moments to Google, it's a pretty nice ad! :)

The idea of setting up an email account in the name of a new born and send updates on his/her life seems just great. A modern version of a baby photo album, private if you wish, which you can later offer to your grown up child. :)

Also, this is not just some browser ad. This is Google's way of saying us that their services are reliable, that we should trust them to save our dearest moments, and that they'll take care of it for years to come...

Final curiosity:
Messages are being sent by one parent, the Dad, which adds a video to YouTube, where Sophie is crying, titled "This was Mom's idea!" Ah, parenting... :P